Monday, July 7, 2014

Broad strokes

Checked out the progress before leaving town for the holiday, and the changes are getting smaller to be sure. 

We now have a fine, smooth slab in the garage:

and gutters (at least along the back):

Excavation and brush removal has been done to prep the back deck area (hard to see, I know):

and our crawlspace now has its access door:

Over the weekend we caught up with some family in Terrebonne and in the midst of it managed to steal a few hours for some design advice from cousin Donora. We now have most of our interior materials picked out but the paint colors were more or less set for us weeks ago, and here they are:

Exterior (main, trim and accent):

and interior (main and accent):

Still get to pick two contrasting room colors and a few other details but we are getting pretty excited about how it's coming together. Now I just hope our choices fit our budget!

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