Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Back in Effect

Been back a few days and a lot has changed. We're into the picking of fine details (door and window trim, styles for doors and hardware, etc.) and sheetrock is up!


  • Front deck going in hopefully by next Tuesday if labor can be scheduled
  • Cabinet installation starts on Wednesday
  • Concrete forms go in tomorrow and slabs will be poured Friday
  • Meeting with lighting designer on Friday
  • Finishing out all tile/wood/quarz choices this week
  • Painters will arrive after the doors are in (2 weeks out) or after flooring is in, whichever lines up best
  • Back deck will be squeezed in at some point, possibly whilst front deck is happening

Front deck might need a handrail now since the shift of the footprint to the south makes the south end around 30" off the ground. We will wrestle with that in the days ahead, as it may increase costs.

Friday, July 18, 2014


We are out of town for the next week and a half but just got confirmation that we passed all inspections and insulation should be finished by Sunday! This means that drywall could be well underway by next weekend so it will be a whole new house inside next time I'm able to take photos. 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

All trimmed up

Exterior painting is done until the porch and deck are finished up, and it's looking sharp!

also, here are the chalk outlines of future concrete work around the garage (or possibly dead bodies):

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

First coat

And just like that, a picture starts to become reality! Stopped up at the house last night to discover that the first exterior coat had been applied.

and dad's shower is in and ready for today's plumbing inspection. 

next up: pouring the driveway pad and other concrete flatwork. 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Coat plans

Exterior painting begins this week most likely, so I had to use my Gimp skillz to mock up what the exterior will look like. Here is the result (pardon the color gaps on the back view, had to scramble and do that one in about 2 minutes).

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Scrub a dub

The special-order shower for Dad has arrived, which means that final plumbing may resume, bringing us that much closer to completion of the rough interior and the onset of sheetrocking. 

Our tub has been dropped into the master bath deck and the shower pan is now in place as well. 

As we get ready for a near two-week road trip, it seems big changes are right around the corner. Exterior painting starts next week so it may be a whole new house two weeks from now. 

Friday, July 11, 2014

Visions of the future

Taking the colors we've chosen (more or less) for exterior paint and roof, I mocked up this exterior to make sure it's going to look the way we were hoping. So far so good.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Broad strokes

Checked out the progress before leaving town for the holiday, and the changes are getting smaller to be sure. 

We now have a fine, smooth slab in the garage:

and gutters (at least along the back):

Excavation and brush removal has been done to prep the back deck area (hard to see, I know):

and our crawlspace now has its access door:

Over the weekend we caught up with some family in Terrebonne and in the midst of it managed to steal a few hours for some design advice from cousin Donora. We now have most of our interior materials picked out but the paint colors were more or less set for us weeks ago, and here they are:

Exterior (main, trim and accent):

and interior (main and accent):

Still get to pick two contrasting room colors and a few other details but we are getting pretty excited about how it's coming together. Now I just hope our choices fit our budget!